Oktober 29, 2014

Review: Skin Food Egg White Pore Mask

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Skin food with ingredients egg white is loaded with albumin that consists of amino acids. It helps to minimize the pores and eliminates pore clogging impurities.

This Product held in a plastic jar, but it doesn't provide any spatula or anything to scoop the product out. So, I use my finger (with clean hand of course) to spread it onto my face.. hihi. The texture is so creamy when applied and it doesn't smell like egg.

Before using this product, wash your face and apply to the face except the eye and mouth area. Wait during 10 - 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

I have been using it my face feels smoother, but I think it not effective for eliminates pore, my pore just are slightly smaller. And the effect doesn't last that long. Maybe different people have different types of skin, so you may experience different result
For more information visit The Skin Food
Oktober 26, 2014

Review : Etude House Juice Cocktail Gradation Nails #4 Mint Frappe

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Happy weekend..

It's time to review nail polish from Etude House. Etude House Juice Cocktail Gradation Nails come in a set of three polishes to create a cocktailed inspired nail look. Etude house have six variant nail polish and i have one variant (#4 Mint Frappe).
With this nails we can enjoyed color mix for intoxicating expression and very helpful if you can't go to salon for nails art because they are easy to use by yourself at home. You can used it the way instruction was written in the box or you can creation with it.
Etude House Juice Cocktail Gradation Nails #mint frappe
To using etude house juice cocktail gradation nails, there ara three step. First step you can using the base soft mint polish, second step use soda mint glittery polish (sometimes i'm using it just two layer because it looked really soft and subtle). The finally step it's the fun part.. using cool mint polish with the bigger sized many glitters, end then result was really pretty and glamor.

I love this nail set because easy to apply, you don't have to go through the messy sponge gradation technique, every layer dried quickly, cute packaging and its last a long time without top coat. But this nails very hard to remove.
Oktober 19, 2014

Sponsor : Paket Cantik Viva Cosmetics

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Beberapa bulan yang lalu, dapet kiriman paket dari Viva Cosmetics. Kaget sih, soalnya gak ngerasa beli produk ini, tapi pastinya seneng banget. Dan taraaa... inilah isinya, beberapa produk sampel dari viva cosmetics, kartu exclusive member viva, dan note. Produk ini punya slogan "Inspirasi Kecantikan Tropis", dan sesuai dengan slogannya produk ini dibuat untuk wanita Indonesia. Kandungan di tiap pruduknya sudah disesuaikan sama kulit orang Indonesia, dan pastinya bisa digunakan bagi semua kalangan karena harganya yang bersahabat tapi tetap berkualitas.
Paket Viva Cosmetics

1. Viva milk cleanser dan Face tonic lemon
     Kebetulan dapet yg lemon, karena kandungan lemon ini dapat mengurangi minyak berlebih dan pas banget sama kondisi muka-ku yang oily banget. Milk cleanser untuk membersihkan sisa make up dan face tonic digunakan setelah menggunakan milk cleanser untuk mengangkat sisa-sisa milk cleanser dan sangat menyegarkan wajah. (lebih suka pake face tonic-nya karena menyegarkan dan kandungannya yang ringan tanpa alkohol, face tonic ini terkadang aku pake sebelum make up atau setelah cuci muka biar seger gitu).
2. Viva white hand body lotion dan white all in one face cleanser with yoghurt
    Viva face cleanser ini juga hampir sama seperti viva milk cleanser lemon, untuk kulit berminyak. tapi aku lebih suka ke milk cleanser.  Sedangkan hand body lotionnya, ya pastinya dengan aroma yoghurt untuk melembabkan, menghaluskan kulit dan pastinya tidak lengket itu yang paling dicari menurut aku.

3.Viva white clean and mask refreshner for oily, acne skin.
   Entah kenapa semua pas banget ya.. untuk wajah berminyak. hihi.. untuk product ini multifungsi banget, bisa sebagai masker dan sabun pembersih. Bentuknya pasta hijau yang kalo dipake masker ada sensasi dingin dari ekstrak mint-nya tapi kalo digunakan sebagai sabun pembersih itu gak ada busa-nya. Lebih suka dijadiin masker dibanding cleanser.
for more info about viva cosmetics please visit: Viva cosmeticsFollow my blog with Bloglovin

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